Estudios científicos
Alcohol consumption in later life and reaching longevity: the Netherlands Cohort Study.
Background: whether light-to-moderate alcohol intake is related to reduced mortality remains a subject of intense research and controversy. There are very few studies available on alcohol and reaching longevity.
Methods: we investigated the relationship of alcohol drinking characteristics with the probability to reach 90 years of age. Analyses were conducted using data from the Netherlands Cohort Study. Participants born in 1916-1917 (n = 7,807) completed a questionnaire in 1986 (age 68-70 years) and were followed up for vital status until the age of 90 years (2006-07). Multivariable Cox regression analyses with fixed follow-up time were based on 5,479 participants with complete data to calculate risk ratios (RRs) of reaching longevity (age 90 years).
Results: we found statistically significant positive associations between baseline alcohol intake and the probability of reaching 90 years in both men and women. Overall, the highest probability of reaching 90 was found in those consuming 5- < 15 g/d alcohol, with RR = 1.36 (95% CI, 1.20-1.55) when compared with abstainers. The exposure-response relationship was significantly non-linear in women, but not in men. Wine intake was positively associated with longevity (notably in women), whereas liquor was positively associated with longevity in men and inversely in women. Binge drinking pointed towards an inverse relationship with longevity. Alcohol intake was associated with longevity in those without and with a history of selected diseases.
Conclusions: the highest probability of reaching 90 years was found for those drinking 5- < 15 g alcohol/day. Although not significant, the risk estimates also indicate to avoid binge drinking.
Comentarios divulgativos:
En este estudio los investigadores analizaron la relación entre el consumo y la longevidad, entendida como la probabilidad de alcanzar los 90 años de edad. Para ello llevaron a cabo un estudio de cohortes, con población mayor neerlandesa, en el que se recogió información sobre el consumo a los 68-70 años y se relacionó con la probabilidad de alcanzar los 90 años de edad.
Los resultados mostraron que, en comparación con los abstemios, los participantes que consumían entre 5 y 15 g/día de alcohol alcanzaban con mayor frecuencia los 90años de edad. El consumo de vino, especialmente en las mujeres, se relacionaba con una mayor supervivencia. Aunque los resultados no eran estadísticamente significativos, el consumo de borrachera o tipo binge tendía a asociarse con una mayormortalidad.
Este estudio observacional con población mayor neerlandesa muestra que la probabilidad de alcanzar los 90 años de edad es mayor cuándo se consumen entre 5 y 15 g/d de alcohol. De cara al futuro sería de interés realizar estudios que contemplen la evolución del consumo a lo largo de toda la vida.