Estudios científicos
Delivery of resveratrol, a red wine polyphenol, from solutions and hydrogels via the skin
Resveratrol, the main active polyphenol in red wine, has been demonstrated to show benefits against skin disorders. The bioavailability of orally administered resveratrol is insufficient to permit high enough drug concentrations for systemic therapy. In this study, we examined the feasibility of the topical/transdermal delivery of resveratrol. The effects of vehicles on the in vitro permeation and skin deposition from saturated solutions such as aqueous buffers and soybean oil were investigated. The general trend for the delivery from solutions was: pH 6 buffer=pH 8 buffer>10% glycerol formal in pH 6 buffer>pH 9.9 buffer>pH 10.8 buffer>soybean oil. A linear relationship was established between the permeability coefficient (K(p)) and drug accumulation in the skin reservoir. Viable epidermis/dermis served as the predominant barrier for non-ionic resveratrol permeation. On the other hand, both the stratum corneum (SC) and viable skin acted as barriers to anionic resveratrol. Several prototype hydrogel systems were also studied as resveratrol vehicles. The viscosity but not the polarity of the hydrogels controlled resveratrol permeation/deposition. Piceatannol, a derivative of resveratrol with high pharmacological activity, showed 11.6-fold lower skin permeation compared to resveratrol. The safety profiles of resveratrol suggested that the hydrogel caused no SC disruption or skin erythema. It was concluded that delivery via a skin route may be a potent way to achieve the therapeutic effects of resveratrol. This is the first report to establish the permeation profiles for topically applied resveratrol.
Comentarios divulgativos:
El resveratrol, un polifenol presemte en el vino tinto, se ha demostrado que muestra beneficios contra enfermedades de la piel. La biodisponibilidad del resveratrol administrado por vía oral es insuficiente para permitir altas concentraciones de la droga lo suficientes para que la terapia sistémica actue. En este estudio, se examinó la viabilidad de los tópicos y la administración transdérmica de resveratrol. Los efectos de los vehículos en la permeabilidad in vitro y la deposición de la piel a partir de soluciones saturadas como buffers acuosos y aceite de soja fueron investigados. El Piceatannol, un derivado del resveratrol con alta actividad farmacológica, mostró una penetración 11,6 veces menor en comparación con el resveratrol. Se concluyó que la distribución a través de una ruta de la piel puede ser un medio potente para lograr los efectos terapéuticos del resveratrol. Este es el primer informe para establecer los perfiles de permeación de resveratrol de aplicación tópica.