Estudios científicos

Drug interactions involving ethanol and alcoholic beverages


Ethanol is likely among the most widely and extensively used drugs in the world. It has also been demonstrated to alter the expression or activity of some drug-metabolizing enzymes. Thus, marked ethanol-provoked drug interactions could be of notable clinical importance. To date, relatively few clinically important interactions have been reported, involving cocaine, disulfiram and tacrolimus. Limited or modest interactions with ethanol have also been reported for drugs such as abacavir, cisapride, 'ecstasy' (3,4-methylenedioxymetamfetamine), gamma-hydroxybutyrate, methylyphenidate, metronidazole and verapamil. Most of these interactions do not seem to involve CYP2E1, the enzyme initially characterized and cloned based on its ability to metabolize and be induced by ethanol. Important work has elucidated the relationship between CYP2E1-mediated formation of the hepatotoxic metabolite of acetaminophen and alcohol consumption. Lastly, drug interactions involving other components of alcoholic beverages such as flavonoid and other polyphenolic components of red wine have been reported.

Comentarios divulgativos:

El etanol es probablemente La Droga Más extensamente USADA en El Mundo. Also sí ha demostrado alteraciones Que la Expresión o la Actividad de Enzimas ALGUNAS Que metabolizan Las Drogas. Por lo Tanto, la Interacción Que El etanol provocación Otros Medicamentos Con podria servicios de Importancia clínica notable. Hasta la Fecha, Las Interacciones clínicamente Importantes relativamente no reportadas Sido han, Relacionados Con la Cocaína, disulfiram El tacrolimus y el. Limitada es la Interacción del etanol Drogas Con abacavir Como cuentos, cisaprida, éxtasis (3,4-methylenedioxymetamfetamine), gamma-hidroxibutirato, methylyphenidate, verapamilo y metronidazol. La Mayoría de ESTAS Interacciones no parecen implicar CYP2E1, la Enzima clonada y caracterizada inicialmente metabolizar Por Su Capacidad párrafo y servicios inducida etanol Por el. Por Último, tambien sí tratan de Las Interacciones de Drogas Que afectan Otros Componentes de las Bebidas alcoholicas, Los cuentos de Como flavonoides y Otros Componentes polifenólicos del vino tinto.