Estudios científicos

Elliagic acid modulates lipid accumulation in primary human adipocytes and human hepatoma Huh7 cells via discrete mechanisms


Previously, we have reported that consumption of a muscadine grape phytochemical powder (MGP) decreased lipid accumulation in high-fat fed mice. The aim of this study was to identify the responsible polyphenolic constituents and elucidate the underlying mechanisms. In mice, MGP supplementation significantly reduced visceral fat mass as well as adipocyte size. To determine whether MGP affects adipogenesis or hypertrophiclipid accumulation, we used a human adipogenic stem cell (hASCs) model. Among the MGP, ellagic acid (EA) was identified as a potent negative regulator of adipogenesis of hASCs. In addition, EA substantially decreased the conversion of [(3)H]-acetyl CoA into fatty acids (FAs), suggesting that EA inhibits de novo synthesis of FA in mature adipocytes. Similarly, MGP supplementation significantly decreased hepatic triglyceride (TG) levels. The TG-lowering effects of EA were confirmed in human hepatoma Huh7 cells. EA reduced [(3)H]-oleic acid esterification into [(3)H]-TG as well as the de novo synthesis of FA from [(3)H]-acetyl CoA in Huh7 cells. Intriguingly, EA also increased oxygen consumption rate and β-oxidation-related gene expression. Taken together, EA attenuated new fat cell formation and FA biosynthesis in adipose tissue, while it reduced the synthesis of TG and FA and increased FA oxidation in the liver. These results suggest that EA exerts unique lipid-lowering effects both in adipose tissue and liver via discrete mechanisms. 

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En estudios previos, se encontró que el consumo de uvas moscatel disminuyó el almacenamiento de grasa en ratones alimentados con una dieta alta en grasa. Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar el componente y los mecanismos que sigue. Se identificó el ácido elágico como un potente regulador de la creación de células de grasa. Los resultados sugieren que el ácido elágico tiene efectos reductores en el contenido lipídico del tejido adiposo y hepático.  

In previous studies, it was found that consuming musadine grapes decreased fat storage in high-fat fed mice due to one of its components. This study aims at identifying the component and the mechanisms it follows. They identified ellagic acid as a potent regulator of the creation of fat cells. The results suggest that ellagic acid has lipid lowering effects in both adipose and liver tissue.