Estudios científicos
Green extraction of bioactive compounds from wine lees and their bio-responses on immune modulation using in vitro sheep model
The objective of this study was to apply microwave-assisted extraction using green solvents starting from 3 different wine (white, rosé, and red) lees and to test their bio-response on sheep peripheral blood mononuclear cells proliferation, Bax/Bcl-2 ratio, and cytokines secretion. Wine lees (WL) of local organic farming from white wine, produced with Trebbiano cultivar, rosé and red wine, made with Nero di Troia cultivar, were collected. The WL were subjected to microwave-assisted extraction using 2 green solvents (water and ethanol) in 3 different combinations (water; water/ethanol 1:1 vol/vol; ethanol) with a dry matter-to-solvent ratio of 1:40 (wt/vol) at 4 temperature levels: 50, 100, 150, and 200°C. Sodium carbonate Na2CO3 (2 mmol/g of dry weight of lees) was used for increasing the polyphenol extraction yield. A total number of 6 extracts, 2 for each kind of WL investigated, according to their total phenolic content and in vitro antioxidant capacity, were selected to be tested on sheep peripheral blood mononuclear cells, as an animal model. All the WL extracts demonstrated a strong antiproliferative action. On the contrary, the cytokines’ profile was mainly dependent on the different winemaking derived WL and the extraction solvent combination procedures. Red WL extract obtained by a combination of water/Na2CO3 and tested at 0.8 mg/mL, resulted in an increase of both IL-6 secretion and Bax/Bcl-2 ratio. Data from the present study demonstrated that WL extracts derived from different winemaking and solvent extraction could have a bimodal action on control of inflammatory mediated damage and highlighted the importance for further studies aimed at applying the biorefinery process on by-products to increase their economic value and exploit new derived bioactive compound.
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Los posos que se generan durante la elaboración del vino contienen importantes cantidades de polifenoles. Este tipo de compuestos han mostrado efectos beneficiosos en estudios con modelos animales y celulares. En este trabajo los investigadores reutilizan los posos de tres tipos de vino (blanco, tinto y rosado) para extraer sus polifenoles y evaluar su efecto en el sistema inmunitario en un modelo animal de oveja.
Los polifenoles se extrajeron a través de microondas utilizando como solventes agua, etanol y su combinación. Se observó que todos los extractos tenían actividad antiproliferativa y antiapoptótica, regulando el crecimiento celular, y que el tipo de vino y el tipo de solvente utilizado influía en la secreción de moléculas inflamatorias secretadas por las células inmunitarias.