Estudios científicos

Identifying a Role of Red and White Wine Extracts in Counteracting Skin Aging: Effects of Antioxidants on Fibroblast Behavior.


Dermal fibroblasts are the main actor in many proteins’ secretion, including collagen, preserving skin function. Free radicals are involved in skin aging and damages involving different cellular components. The imbalance between reactive oxygen species (ROS) amount and natural antioxidant enzymes negatively affects skin homeostasis. Natural compounds have recently emerged as a potential anti-aging tool in tissue regeneration. In the present paper we evaluated the antioxidant activity of white and red wines, considering their probable use, as raw materials, for the formulation of cosmetic products with anti-aging properties. We studied a method that would allow the removal of the alcoholic fraction of wines and determined their composition by LC-MS analysis. We then tested the possible cytotoxic effects of red and white wines on fibroblasts by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium (MTT) assay, and their antioxidant activity by the catalase activity test in stressing conditions. Finally, we evaluated their anti-aging potential through the β-galactosidase colorimetric assay. Our results showed that wine extracts exhibit a remarkable antioxidant and anti-aging activity, especially on cells exposed to a marked stressful event. These properties could suggest their possible application as cosmetical products for skin regeneration.

Comentarios divulgativos:

El uso tópico de antioxidantes puede ayudar a resistir el estrés oxidativo y proteger la piel de los efectos del fotoenvejecimiento a largo plazo. El resveratrol, considerado uno de los antioxidantes más potentes del vino, podría proteger la piel de los radicales libres y retrasar el proceso de envejecimiento al inhibir la activación del enzima tirosinasa. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto antioxidante de extractos de vino tinto y blanco en células expuestas a estrés oxidativo.

Los resultados muestran que diferentes concentraciones de extracto de vino tinto y vino blanco pueden contrarrestar la senescencia celular inducida por el estrés oxidativo y regular la actividad de la enzima, lo que podría prevenir enfermedades crónicas de la piel y el envejecimiento celular. Los investigadores sugieren que podrían utilizarse en el desarrollo de productos cosméticos, sin embargo, para ello son necesarios nuevos estudios in vitro e in vivo que evalúen su efecto en sistemas más complejos.