Estudios científicos
In vitro hemorheological effects of red wine and alcohol-free red wine extract
The French paradox is based on epidemiological evidence which supports that moderate red wine consumption reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. A number of experimental animal studies reported favourable cardiovascular effects of alcohol-free red wine extract (AFRW). Our study was designed to determine red wine and AFRW induced changes in various hemorheological parameters. These effects may play a role in the pathophysiology of the French paradox regarding the cardiovascular protective impacts of red wine. Blood samples of healthy volunteers were mixed with red wine to achieve alcohol concentrations of 1 per thousand, 3 per thousand and 10 per thousand, respectively, with equivalent amount of AFRW or physiological saline. Blood samples were pretreated with red wine or AFRW in order to prove the protective effects on erythrocytes from impairment of deformability caused by the free radical generator phenazine methosulfate (PMS). Erythrocyte aggregation (Myrenne and LORCA), deformability (LORCA) and platelet aggregation (Carat TX4) were measured. Erythrocyte aggregation using Myrenne aggregometer was inhibited by red wine and AFRW compared to the saline treated samples. The difference reached already significance at 1 per thousand concentration at the AFRW samples (p < 0.05). Furthermore, red wine caused stronger inhibition than AFRW. The difference between the two agents became significant at 10 per thousand concentration (p < 0.05). LORCA aggregation index and threshold shear rate supported these results at the highest concentration. Erythrocyte deformability of healthy volunteers did not change significantly for any concentrations of red wine and AFRW. On the other hand AFRW at 3 per thousand concentration significantly prevented erythrocytes from impairment of deformability caused by PMS (p < 0.05). Platelet aggregation was significantly inhibited by the highest concentration of AFRW (p < 0.05). Our results show that red wine and AFRW have some beneficial effects on hemorheological parameters that may contribute to the French paradox.
Comentarios divulgativos:
Un gran número de estudios en animales ponen a la luz los efectos cardiovasculares favorables del extracto de vino tinto libre de alcohol. Para ello muestras de sangre fueron pretratadas con vino tinto o extracto para determinar sus efectos protectores estudiando varios parámetros hemológicos. Muestras de sangre de voluntarios sanos se mezclaron con vino tinto para conseguir diferentes concentraciones de alcohol. Respectivamente se hizo lo mismo con equivalentes cantidades de de extracto y suero fisiológico. Los resultados mostraron algunos efectos beneficiosos sobre los parámetros estudiados que pueden contribuir a la paradoja francesa.
Un gran número de estudios en animales ponen a la luz los efectos cardiovasculares favorables del extracto de vino tinto libre de alcohol. Para ello muestras de sangre fueron pretratadas con vino tinto o extracto para determinar sus efectos protectores estudiando varios parámetros hemológicos. Muestras de sangre de voluntarios sanos se mezclaron con vino tinto para conseguir diferentes concentraciones de alcohol. Respectivamente se hizo lo mismo con equivalentes cantidades de de extracto y suero fisiológico.