Estudios científicos
Intake of red wine increases the number and functional capacity of circulating endothelial progenitor cells by enhancing nitric oxide bioavailability
OBJECTIVE: Red wine (RW) consumption has been associated with a reduction of cardiovascular events, but limited data are available on potential mediating mechanisms. This study tested the hypothesis that intake of RW may promote the circulating endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) level and function through enhancement of nitric oxide bioavailability. METHODS AND RESULTS: Eighty healthy, young subjects were randomized and assigned to consume water (100 mL), RW (100 mL), beer (250 mL), or vodka (30 mL) daily for 3 weeks. Flow cytometry was used to quantify circulating EPC numbers, and in vitro assays were used to evaluate EPC functions. After RW ingestion, endothelial function determined by flow-mediated vasodilation was significantly enhanced; however, it remained unchanged after water, beer, or vodka intake. There were significantly increased numbers of circulating EPC (defined as KDR(+)CD133(+), CD34(+)CD133(+), CD34(+)KDR(+)) and EPC colony-forming units only in the RW group (all P<0.05). Only RW ingestion significantly enhanced plasma levels of nitric oxide and decreased asymmetrical dimethylarginine (both P<0.01). Incubation of EPC with RW (but not beer or ethanol) and resveratrol in vitro attenuated tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced EPC senescence and improved tumor necrosis factor-alpha-suppressed EPC functions and tube formation. Incubation with nitric oxide donor sodium nitroprusside significantly ameliorated the inhibition of tumor necrosis factor-alpha on EPC proliferation, but incubation with endothelial nitric oxide synthase inhibitor l-NAME and PI3K inhibitor markedly attenuated the effect of RW on EPC proliferation. CONCLUSIONS: The intake of RW significantly enhanced circulating EPC levels and improved EPC functions by modifying nitric oxide bioavailability. These findings may help explain the beneficial effects of RW on the cardiovascular system. This study demonstrated that a moderate intake of RW can enhance circulating levels of EPC in healthy subjects by increasing nitric oxide availability. Direct incubation of EPC with RW and resveratrol can modify the functions of EPC, including attenuation of senescence and promotion of EPC adhesion, migration, and tube formation. These data suggest that RW ingestion may alter the biology of EPC, and these alterations may contribute to its unique cardiovascular-protective effect.
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El vino tinto (RW), su consumo ha sido asociado con una reducción de los acontecimientos cardiovasculares, sin embargo limitado número de datos están disponibles sobre el potencial que media su mecanismo. Un estudio del Departamento de Medicina Interna en el Hospital de General de Veteranos del Taipei (Taipei) probó la hipótesis de que la ingesta de RW puede promover la circulación de células progenitoras endoteliales nivelando y realzando la biodisposición de óxido nítrico y mejorando así la función endotelial. La circulación endotelial de células progenitoras endoteliales juega un papel importante para la regeneración y función de los vasos sanguíneos. Varios estudios tienen identificado una relación inversa entre el número de células progenitoras endoteliales circulantes y factores de riesgo cardiovasculares.
Los resultados del estudio muestran que después de la ingestión de vino tinto, la función endotelial era considerablemente realzada; sin embargo, permaneció inalterada después de la ingesta de agua, cerveza, o vodka. Los autores concluyen que estos datos pueden ayudar a explicar el efecto beneficioso del vino tinto sobre el sistema cardiovascular.