Estudios científicos
Interaction of beta-lactoglobulin with resveratrol and its biological implications
Beta-lactoglobulin (beta-LG), the major whey protein in the milk of ruminants, has a high affinity for a wide range of compounds. Resveratrol (3,5,4'-trihydroxystilbene), a natural polyphenolic compound found in grapes and red wine, exhibits many physiological effects associated with health benefits. In this study, the interaction of resveratrol with beta-LG was investigated using circular dichroism, fluorescence and UV-vis absorbance. Self-association of resveratrol possibly occurs at high concentrations. Resveratrol interacts with beta-LG to form 1:1 complexes. Resveratrol is bound to the surface of the protein because beta-LG-bound polyphenol is in a weaker hydrophobic environment relative to 75% ethanol. The binding constant for the resveratrol-beta-LG interaction is between 10(4) and 10(6) M (-1), as determined by protein or polyphenol fluorescence. The beta-LG-resveratrol interaction may compete with self-association of both the polyphenol and the protein. It has no apparent influence on beta-LG secondary structure but partially disrupts tertiary structure. Complexing with beta-LG provides a slight increase in the photostability of resveratrol and a significant increase in its hydrosolubility.
Comentarios divulgativos:
La beta-lactoglobulina (beta-LG), la proteína de suero en la leche de los rumiantes, tiene una alta afinidad por una amplia gama de compuestos. El resveratrol (3,5,4 '-trihydroxystilbene), un compuesto natural encontrado en la uva y el vino tinto, exhibe muchos efectos fisiológicos asociados con beneficios para la salud. En este estudio, la interacción de resveratrol con beta-LG se investigó mediante dicroísmo circular, fluorescencia y absorbancia UV-VIS. El resveratrol interactúa con beta-LG para formar complejos 1:1. La constante de unión para la interacción del resveratrol-beta-LG es de 10 (4) y 10 (6) M (-1), según lo determinado por la proteína de fluorescencia. No tiene ningún efecto aparente sobre la estructura secundaria de beta-LG pero en parte altera la estructura terciaria. Los compuestos complejantes con beta-LG preovocan un ligero aumento de la fotoestabilidad del resveratrol y un aumento significativo en su hidrosolubilidad.