Estudios científicos

Neuroprotective effects of a polyphenolic white grape juice extract in a mouse model of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis


In the last 20 years, wine phenolic compounds have received increasing interest since several epidemiological studies have suggested associations between regular consumption of moderate amount of wine and prevention of certain chronic pathologies, such as neurodegenerative diseases. This study was aimed to investigate the possible neuroprotective role of apolyphenolic white grape juice extract (WGJe) in an experimental mice model of autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), the most commonly used model for multiple sclerosis (MS) in vivo. EAE mimics the main features of MS, including paralysis, weight loss, demyelination, central nervous system (CNS) inflammation and blood-brain barrier (BBB) breakdown. Our study demonstrated that oral administration of WGJe (20 and 40 mg/kg/day) may exert neuroprotective effects against MS, diminishing both clinical signs and histological score typical of disease (lymphocytic infiltration and demyelination). In particular, by western blot, histological evaluations and immunolocalization of the main markers of inflammation, oxidative stress and apoptosis (TNF-α, iNOS, Nitrotyrosine, PARP, Foxp3, Bcl-2, Caspase 3 and DNA fragmentation), we documented that WGJe counteracts the alteration of all these inflammatory and oxidative pathway, without any apparent sign of toxicity. On these bases, we propose this natural product as putative novel helpful tools for the prevention of autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases such as MS. WGJe could have considerable implication for future therapies of MS, and this study may represents the starting point for further investigation on the role of WGJe in neuroinflammation. 

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En el último par de décadas, los compuestos fenólicos que se encuentran ele vino han sido de interés ya que muchos estudios epidemiológicos han sugerido que existe una asociación entre el consumo moderado de vino y la prevención de ciertas enfermedades crónicas, como las neurodegenerativas, entre otras. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar el posible papel neuroprotector de un extracto de zumo de uva blanca en el modelo de ratones experimentales más utilizada en la investigación de la esclerosis múltiple. Se observó que el extracto de zumo de uva blanca podría tener una considerable repercusión en las terapias de la esclerosis múltiple, y puede representar el punto de partida para nuevas investigaciones. 

In the past couple of decades, phenolic compounds found in wine have been of interest since many epidemiological studies have suggested there is an association between regular moderate wine consumption and the prevention of certain diseases, such as neurodegenerative diseases, among others. This study aimed to investigate the possible neuroprotective role of a white grape juice extract in the most commonly used experimental mice model for multiple sclerosis. It was seen that the white grape juice extract could have considerable repercussion in MS therapies, and may represent the starting point for further investigations.