Estudios científicos
Patterns of Alcohol Consumption in the PURE Poland Cohort Study and Their Relationship with Health Problems
(1) Background: Alcohol is a leading risk factor of premature morbidity and mortality. The objective of this study was to investigate the patterns of alcohol consumption in the PURE Poland cohort study baseline. (2) Methods: A Polish cohort was enrolled in the baseline study in 2007–2010. The study group consisted of 2021 adult participants of urban and rural areas from the Lower Silesia voivodeship in Poland (747 men and 1274 women). (3) Results: In the overall study population, 67.3% were current drinkers, 10.3% were former drinkers, and 22.4% were abstainers. Current use of alcohol products was more prevalent in men (77.2%), people living in urban areas (73.0%), and people with a higher level of education (78.0%). The percentage of current drinkers decreased with increasing age (from 73.4% in 30- to 44-year-olds to 48.8% in participants aged 64 and more). The majority of participants (89.2%) declared a low level of alcohol intake. The chance of high level of intake of alcohol was four times higher in men than in women (OR 4.17; CI 1.64–10.6). The majority of participants (54.6%) declared most frequent consumption of low-alcohol drinks (beer, wine) and 21% declared most frequent consumption of spirits. Current drinkers had almost 1.5-fold higher odds of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) than never drinkers (OR 1.49, CI 1.03–2.17; OR 1.66, CI 1.27–2.18, respectively). Former drinkers had higher odds for hypertension and CVD than never drinkers (1.73, CI 1.05–2.85; OR 1.76, CI 1.22–2.53, respectively). (4) Conclusions: In our cohort study, we observed several socio-demographic factors differentiating the patterns of alcohol consumption. The preventive programs should focus predominantly on men, people aged <45 years, and those with a higher level of education.
Comentarios divulgativos:
Este estudio analiza el patrón de consumo en una cohorte de 2.021 ciudadanos polacos (Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiological (PURE)) y evalúa su relación con la prevalencia de enfermedades como la diabetes, la hipertensión y la enfermedad cardiovascular y hepática.
Los resultados mostraron que el consumo era más frecuente entre los hombres, las personas que vivían en zonas urbanas y en aquellas que tenían un mayor nivel de estudios. Sin embargo, los participantes con un mayor nivel educativo elegían predominantemente el vino.
Entre los bebedores era más frecuente la diabetes y las enfermedades cardiovasculares que entre los no bebedores. Mientras que entre aquellos que eran exbebedores había una mayor prevalencia de hipertensión y enfermedades cardiovasculares. Sin embargo, aquellos participantes que bebían principalmente vino tenían una incidencia menor de enfermedades cardiovasculares, que los abstemios.