Estudios científicos

Phenolic content of grapevine leaves (Vitis labrusca var. Bordo) and its neuroprotective effect against peroxide damage.


In some countries, leaves of Vitis vinifera grapes have been used for food and for treating many medical disorders. However, there are no studies on the leaves of Vitis labrusca, the main species used for wine and juice production in South America. In this work, the phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of organic and conventional grape leaves extracts prepared from V. labrusca (var. Bordo) in brain tissues (in vitro model) have been evaluated. Both organic and conventional grape leaves extracts have similar total phenolic content, however, different patterns were observed for the main phenolic compounds of both kinds of leaves. The organic leaves extract showed about 10 times more resveratrol than the conventional one. Both extracts were able to reduce the lipid and protein damages induced by hydrogen peroxide in the brain of rats. This effect was accompanied by the reversion of the hydrogen peroxide-induced alterations in the superoxide dismutase and catalase activities. Negative correlations between lipid and protein damages and the levels of polyphenols were found, suggesting that these compounds contribute directly to the protective effect observed.

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En muchos paises las uvas de Vitis vinifera han sido usadas para la alimentación así como para el tratamiento de desordenes médicos. Sin embargo no hay no hay estudios sobre las hojas de Vitis lambrusca, la cual es la especie que se usa mayoritariamente para la producción de uva y mosto en America del Sur. En este estudio los compuestos fenolicos y la actividad antioxidante de uvas y extractos de uva preparados de V. lambrusca se evaluan en un modelo in vitro con tejidos de cerebro. Los extractos de hojas orgánicas contenian 10 veces más resveratrol que los extractos de hojas convencionales.Ambos extractos fueron capaces de reducir el daño en lípidos y proteinasinducidos por peroxido de hidrógeno en el cerebro de las ratas. Se encontró una correlación negativa entre los niveles de lípidos y proteinas dañados en relación con el nivel de polifenoles sugiriendo que estos compuestos pueden estar implicados con los efectos protectores indicados.