Estudios científicos
Protective Effect of Grape Seed Procyanidins against H2 O2 -Induced Oxidative Stress in PC-12 Neuroblastoma Cells: Structure-Activity Relationships
To establish a structure-activity relationship for procyanidins, we verified the cyto-protective effect of 13 grape seed procyanidins, ranging from monomers to trimers against H2 O2 -induced oxidative stress in PC-12 neuroblastoma cells. Our study demonstrated some procyanidins were able to significantly protect PC-12 cells from the H2 O2 -induced cytotoxicity suggesting they possess neuroprotective effects against oxidative stress. Procyanidins' protective effects against oxidative stress mainly depended on their polymerization degree in addition to their structural features. A positive correlation was found between procyanidins' polymerization degree and the protective effect against oxidative stress in PC-12 cells. The presence of 3- or 3'-galloylated groups in the C-ring of procyanidin molecules significantly increased their protective activity as well. These results demonstrated that galloylated high-molecular-mass procyanidins would be of more interesting as promising antioxidant natural compounds. This work for the first time demonstrated the structure-activity relationships of 13 procyanidins' antioxidative stress activity, which could have a significant impact on future development of procyanidins for healthy food products or drugs to treat disease such as neurodegenerative disorders.
This work evaluated the protective effect of procyanidins against oxidative stress in PC-12 neuroblastoma cells and established their activity-structure relationships, which provides useful cellular evidence for the further investigating the structure-optimizing and function-exploiting of procyanidins.
Comentarios divulgativos:
Las procianidinas son uno de los principales compuestos bioactivos presentes en las semillas de las uvas. Estos compuestos se han relacionado con una mejora en el estrés oxidativo.
En este estudio los investigadores determinan si la estructura de estos compuestos está relacionada con su actividad contra el estrés oxidativo debido al H2O2 en un tipo celular de neuroblastoma (PC-12).
Los resultados obtenidos indican que algunas procianidinas son capaces de proteger las células frente a la citotoxicidad generada por el H2O2 lo que conllevaría un efecto antioxidante neuroprotector, que depende en gran medida de sus características estructurales, como por ejemplo el grado de polimerización o masa molecular. Por lo que las procianidinas podrían ser un buen candidato para el desarrollo de nuevos productos alimentarios funcionales y fármacos para prevención y tratamiento de enfermedades neurodegenerativas.