Estudios científicos

Regular moderate intake of red wine is linked to a better women's sexual health


INTRODUCTION: While some evidence does exist for a positive correlation between moderate wine intake and men's sexual health, there is no study addressing the potential correlation between red wine intake and women's sexual function. AIM:The aim of our study was to assess whether there is a tie between daily red wine intake and sexual function in a sample of healthy Italian women, living in the Chianti area (Tuscany) not complaining of any sexual disorders. METHODS: We recruited 798 women (age 18-50), living in the Chianti area (Tuscany), not complaining of any sexual disorders. We divided the participants into three groups: daily moderate (one to two glasses) red wine intake (group 1); teetotallers (group 2); and daily intake of more than two glasses of red wine and/or other types of alcoholic drinks (including white wine), as well as of those reporting occasional drinking (group 3). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: All participants completed anonymously the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) questionnaire and were asked to report on their amount and type of alcohol consumption. RESULTS:Group 1 had significantly higher total (P = 0.001), as well as desire and lubrication domain (P = 0.001 and P = 0.001, respectively) FSFI scores than participants in groups 2 and 3. No significant differences between the groups were observed concerning sexual arousal, satisfaction, pain, and orgasm. Univariate analysis showed a significant correlation between age, alcohol consumption (P = 0.009), and a better score at questionnaire examination. During multivariate analysis, alcohol consumption was identified as an independent prognostic parameter (P = 0.002) in predicting the better score at questionnaire examination. CONCLUSIONS: The finding that regular moderate intake of red wine is associated with higher FSFI scores for both sexual desire, lubrication, and overall sexual function as compared to the teetotaller status is intriguing. While this finding needs to be interpreted with some caution, because of the small sample size, self-reported data, and the lack of support from laboratory exams, it nevertheless suggests a potential relationship between red wine consumption and better sexuality.

Comentarios divulgativos:

El objeto de este estudio es correlacionar la ingesta moderada de vino tinto, el cual es rico en antioxidantes y las funciones sexuales. Existen diversos estudios que correlacionan un consumo moderado de alcohol y la salud sexual en hombres.

Para llegar a esta conclusión el Hospital Santa María Annunziata realizó un experimento con 798 mujeres italianas de una media de 18 a 50 años de edad, y sin problemas sexuales. Las dividieron en tres grupos, las que tomaban de uno a dos vasos diarios de vino, las que sólo bebían ocasionalmente y por último las abstemias. Posteriormente les realizaron un cuestionario de 19 preguntas. La puntuación iba del 2 a 36, siendo las puntuaciones más altas señal de una vida sexual óptima.