Estudios científicos
Resveratrol and its dimers ε-viniferin and δ-viniferin in red wine protect vascularendothelial cells by a similar mechanism with different potency and efficacy.
Red wine compounds have been reported to reduce the rate of atherosclerosis by inducing nitric oxide (NO) production and antioxidant enzyme expression in vascular endothelial cells (VECs). The present study compared the effects of the three red wine compounds resveratrol and its dimers, ε-viniferin and δ-viniferin, on VECs function for the first time. Both 5 μM ε-viniferin and δ-viniferin, but not 5 μM resveratrol, significantly stimulated wound repair of VECs. Increased levels of wound repair induced by 10 and 20 μM ε-viniferin were significantly higher than those stimulated by 10 and 20 μM resveratrol, respectively. These stimulatory effects of the three compounds were suppressed by the NO synthase inhibitor L-NAME. When VECs were exposed to each compound, endothelial NO synthase was activated and the expression of sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) and HO-1 was induced. Addition of the SIRT1 and HO-1 inhibitors EX527 and ZnPPiX, respectively, suppressed wound repair stimulated by the three compounds, demonstrating that SIRT1 and HO-1 are involved in these wound repair processes. Furthermore, each compound induced the suppression of H2 O2 -dependent reduction of cell viability as well as the expression of the antioxidant enzyme catalase. These data suggest that not only resveratrol, but also its dimers, ε-viniferin and δ-viniferin, may be effective in preventing atherosclerosis by a similar molecular mechanism with different potency and efficacy.
Comentarios divulgativos:
Entre los compuestos polifenólicos del vino destaca el resveratrol, que se ha relacionado con un efecto protector frente a la aterosclerosis, un elemento clave en el desarrollo de las enfermedades cardiovasculares. Se ha propuesto que para producir este efecto el resveratrol podría estimular la producción de óxido nítrico (ON) y la expresión de enzimas antioxidantes en las células del endotelio vascular, que recubren la capa interior de los vasos sanguíneos y son muy importantes para su funcionamiento.
En este estudio los investigadores comparan el efecto del resveratrol y dos compuestos derivados de él (ε-viniferina y δ-viniferina) para estimular las células del endotelio vascular a diferentesconcentraciones.
Los resultados mostraron que la ε-viniferina y la δ- viniferina tenían un efecto más marcado en la reparación de las células del endotelio vascular que el resveratrol. Aunque los tres compuestos parecen activar los mismos mecanismos de protección celular . Aumentan la producción de óxido nítrico y la expresión de enzimas (ej. sirtuina 1, óxido nítrico sintasa 3 o catalasa).