Estudios científicos
Resveratrol metabolites in urine as a biomarker of wine intake in free-living subjects: The PREDIMED Study
Several clinical and epidemiological studies have shown that moderate wine consumption may exert a protective effect against oxidative stress involved in several diseases, such as cardiovascular and neurodegenerative disorders. However, the epidemiological assessment of wine consumption has usually been obtained using self-reported questionnaires containing less reliable information for assessing total intake than nutritional biomarkers. A reliable biomarker for wine consumption is, therefore, needed. To validate urinary resveratrol metabolites (RMs) as a biomarker of wine consumption in a large cohort of free-living subjects, 1000 consecutive subjects entering a substudy of the PREDIMED trial (Prevención con Dieta Mediterránea) were evaluated. Data were collected in a validated semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire. RMs were measured in morning urine by LC-MS/MS. Urinary RM values correlated directly with reported daily amounts of wine consumed (r=0.895; p<0.001). One drink of wine per week can be detected. Using a cut-off of 411.4 nmol/g creatinine, the measurement of urinary RMs could discriminate wine consumers from non-wine consumers with a sensitivity of 93.3% (95% confidence interval (CI) 91.5-94.7%) and a specificity of 92.1% (CI 90.2-93.7%). Urinary RMs fulfill the criteria to be considered as a nutritional biomarker of wine consumption in a large sample of free-living subjects. This biomarker would provide an additional tool for investigating more precisely the relationship between wine consumption and health benefits.
Comentarios divulgativos:
Diversos estudios clínicos y epidemiológicos muestran que una consumición moderada de vino puede mostrar un efecto protector contra el daño oxidativo el cual está involucrado en diferentes enfermedades, como desordenes cardiovasculares y neurodegenerativos. Sin embargo, la evaluación epidemiológica del consumo de vino ha sido generalmente obtenida mediante cuestionarios auto-reporte que contiene menos información fiable para evaluar la ingesta total de biomarcadores nutricionales.
Para validar los metabolitos urinarios del resveratrol (RMs) como un biomarcador del consumo de vino en una cohorte de sujetos, 1000 sujetos consecutivos fueron evaluados en un subestudio del ensayo PREDIMED (Prevención Dieta Mediterránea)
MR urinario cumplen los criterios para ser considerados como un biomarcador nutricional del consumo de vino en una amplia muestra de sujetos. Este biomarcador proporcionaría una herramienta adicional para investigar con mayor precisión la relación entre el consumo de vino y beneficios para la salud.