Estudios científicos

Strong cardioprotective effect of resveratrol, a red wine polyphenol, on isolated rat hearts after ischemia/reperfusion injury


We have studied some hemodynamic parameters as heart rate (HR) developed pressure (DP) and maximal positive values of the first derivative of pressure (+dP/dt max) in isolated heart from control or resveratrol treated rats. In acute ex vivo experiments, resveratrol (1-100 microM) infusion in Langendorff perfused hearts did not affect contractile function in either normoxic conditions or after ischemia/reperfusion. However when semi-chronically administered by IP injection during 7 days, resveratrol which had no effect on pre-ischemic heart greatly improved post-ischemic indexes of myocardial function. Resveratrol effect is dose-dependent and seemed optimal at a plasma level of 18.5 microM. This concentration is very close to that previously shown to be optimal and non-toxic by others. These beneficial effects of resveratrol are only partly explained by its antioxidant properties as suggested by the lack of any dose-response effect on tissue malondialdehyde (MDA) levels. They are also clearly not mediated by nitric oxide (NO) elevation. When acutely infused resveratrol had no beneficial effect and therefore could not be proposed in acute scenarios of ischemia/reperfusion or stroke. However resveratrol appeared as an efficient and promising molecule in the prevention of heart dysfunction.

Comentarios divulgativos:

Hemos estudiado algunos parámetros hemodinámicos como la frecuencia cardíaca (FC), presión (DP) y los valores máximos positivos de la presión en el corazón aislado de ratas control o ratas tratadas con resveratrol. El efecto del Resveratrol es dosis-dependiente y parecía óptimo en un nivel plasmático de 18,5 micras. Estos efectos beneficiosos del resveratrol sólo se explican en parte por sus propiedades antioxidantes como se sugiere por la falta de cualquier efecto de dosis-respuesta de los tejidos. Sin embargo resveratrol apareció como una molécula eficaz y prometedora en la prevención de la disfunción del corazón.