Estudios científicos
Synthesis and biological evaluation of quercetin and resveratrol peptidyl derivatives as potential anticancer and antioxidant agents
Quercetin and resveratrol are polyphenolic compounds, members of the flavonoid and the stilbene family, respectively, both medicinally important as dietary anticancer and antioxidant agents. They are present in a variety of foods-including fruits, vegetables, tea, wine, as well as other dietary supplements-and are responsible for various health benefits. Different quercetin and resveratrol esters of Leu/Met-enkephalin and tetrapeptide Leu-Ser-Lys-Leu (LSKL) were synthesized as model systems for monitoring the influence of the peptides on biological activity of resveratrol and quercetin. General formula of the main peptidyl-quercetin derivatives is 2-[3-(aa)n-4-hydroxyphenyl]-3,5,7-tri-hydroxy-4H-1-benzopyran-4-on, and the general formula of the main peptidyl-resveratrol derivatives is (E)-5-[4-(aa)n)styryl]benzene-1,3-diol. The antioxidant and anticancer activities of prepared compounds were investigated. Significant anticancer activity was obtained for the LSKL-based both quercetin and resveratrol derivatives. All prepared compounds exhibit antioxidant activity, in particular quercetin derivative containing Met-enkephalin.
Comentarios divulgativos:
La quercetina y el resveratrol son compuestos minoritarios del vino que se han relacionad con propiedades anticancerígenas y antioxidantes. En este estudio los autores fabrican variantes de estos compuestos para conocer qué efecto tienen las diferentes modificaciones.
Observan que los compuestos diseñados mantienen la actividad antioxidante y que la capacidad anticancerígena varía según las modificaciones. También indican que a través de estas modificaciones se mejora su solubilidad y su biodisponibilidad, es decir la cantidad y velocidad con la que son absorbidos.