Estudios científicos
The combination of resveratrol and quercetin enhances the individual effects of these molecules on triacylglycerol metabolism in white adipose tissue
The aim of this study was to analyze whether the combination of resveratrol and quercetin showed additive or synergic effects on body fat accumulation and triacylglycerol metabolism in adipose tissue from rats fed an obesogenic diet.
Rats were divided into four dietary groups: a control group and three groups each treated with either resveratrol (15 mg/kg/day; RSV), quercetin (30 mg/kg/day; Q), or both (15 mg resveratrol/kg/day and 30 mg quercetin/kg/day; RSV + Q) for 6 weeks. White adipose tissues from several anatomical locations were dissected. Serum parameters were analyzed by using commercial kits. The activities of fatty acid synthase and heparin-releasable lipoprotein lipase (HR-LPL) were measured using spectrophotometric and fluorimetric methods, and protein expression of acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC), adipose tissuetriglyceride lipase (ATGL), and hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) by western blot.
The administration of either resveratrol or quercetin separately did not induce significant reductions in adipose tissue weights. By contrast, the combination of both molecules led to a significant reduction in all the fat depots analyzed. The percentage of reduction in each tissue was greater than the calculated additive effect. HR-LPL activity was reduced in RSV and RSV + Q groups. The activity of HSL was not modified. By contrast, ACC was inhibited and ATGL increased only by the combination of both polyphenols.
The results obtained demonstrate a synergistic effect between resveratrol and quercetin and suggest that when these molecules are combined, a great number of metabolic pathways involved in adipose tissue triacylglycerol accumulation are affected.
Comentarios divulgativos:
Este estudio analizó el efecto del resveratrol y quercetina sobre la acumulación de grasa corporal y el metabolismo del tejido adiposo en ratas alimentadas con una dieta propicia a la obesidad. Las ratas se dividieron en cuatro grupos diferentes basados en su dieta: un grupo control y tres grupos cada uno tratado con resveratrol, la quercetina o ambos. Cuando se administran por separado, el resveratrol o quercetina no proporcionaron ninguna reducción significativa en el tejido adiposo. Estos resultados demuestran un efecto sinérgico entre el reservatrol y quercetina y sugieren que cuando se combinan, un gran número de vías metabólicas implicadas en la acumulación de grasa en el organismo se ven afectados.
This study analyzes the effect of resveratrol and quercetin on body fat accumulation and fat tissue metabolism in rats fed an obesogenic diet. The rats were divided four different groups based on their diet: a control group and three groups each treated with resveratrol, quercetin or both. When administered separately, resveratrol or quercetin did not provide any significant reductions in fat tissue. However when administered together, there was a significant reduction. These results demonstrate a synergistic effect between resveratrol and quercetin and suggest that when they are combined, a large number of metabolic pathways involved in fat tissue accumulation are affected.