Estudios científicos

The effects of resveratrol on the healing of left colonic anastomosis


INTRODUCTION: Resveratrol (RSV) is a natural polyphenolic compound found in grape skins and the red wine which improves histological reorganization of the regenerating tissue in dermal wound healing. Since anastomotic healing possesses paramount importance to prevent complications in colorectal surgery, the present study is aimed to evaluate the effect of RSV on the healing of experimental left colonic anastomoses. METHODS: Thirty-two male Wistar albino rats were randomized into two groups and subjected to colonic anastomosis. The study group was treated with RSV and the control group received tap water instead. The rats were sacrificed 3 and 7 days postoperatively. Wound complications, intra-abdominal abscesses, and anastomotic leaks and stenosis were recorded. Four types of assessment were performed: bursting pressure, hydroxyproline (OHP) content, histopathology, and biochemical analysis. RESULTS: Compared to the control group, the RSV-treated rats displayed a higher bursting pressure (p < .001) and anastomotic OHP content (p < .05)]. RSV treatment leads to significant increase in PON activity at both time points and decrease in malondialdehyde levels on postoperative day 3 (p < .001). Histopathological analysis revealed that RSV administration leads to a better anastomotic healing in terms of mucosal ischemia, neovascularization, reepithelialization, fibroblast, and lymphocyte infiltration. CONCLUSION: The study results suggest that exogenous RSV administration exerts a positive effect on experimental colonic wound healing in the rat. Although the precise cellular mechanisms by which RSV enhances anastomotic wound healing is not clear, stimulation of neovascularization, generation of collagen synthesis, inhibition of over inflammation, and restriction of oxidative injury seems to be of paramount importance.

Comentarios divulgativos:

El resveratrol es un compuesto natural polifenólico el cual se encuentra en la piel de las uvas y en el vino tinto el cual mejora la organización histológica en la regeneración de tejidos. La curación anastomótica tiene gran impotancia en prevenir complicaciones en la cirugía colorectal, en el siguiente estudio se evalua el efecto del resveratrol en la anastomosis colorectal experimental. Los resultados de este estudio muestran que la administración exógena de resveratrol actua positivamente en la anastomosis colorectal en ratas. Aunque los mecanismos celulares por los cuales el resveratrol amenta la capacidad anastomótica nos son claros parece que tiene que ver con mecanismos implicados en la estimulación de la vascularización, generación de colágeno e inhibición de la inflamación.